If your company paid $600 USD or more to freelancers or other non-employees who file US taxes, these payments need to be reported to the IRS through a Form 1099-NEC. The IRS also requires businesses that file ten or more information returns—such as W-2s and 1099s—each year to submit them electronically.

We know that 1099 filing can seem complex, but we're here to help make it simple. This FAQ is designed to answer your questions, clarify each step, and guide you through Worksuite’s 1099 filing process. From understanding if you need to file, to ensuring freelancers receive their forms on time, you’ll find everything you need to manage your filings smoothly. And if you need further assistance, our team is here to support you!


Does our company need to file 1099s for our United States freelancers?

When your company has an Employer Identification Number (EIN) registered in/by the United States, you are subject to the Form 1099 filing requirement.

Does Worksuite handle 1099 filing for our freelancers?

Yes, we do, for Global Pay customers who opt into our annual filing service.

In November each year, we invite your Finance/Tax contact to an onboarding workflow to guide them through each stage of the process, including confirming or declining your company's participation.

Please note that we do not export or share freelancers' securely stored tax filing information. Should you wish to file 1099s, please ensure you have collected, or have a means to collect, filing data.

What is the 1099 filing process and timeline?

  • In early November, we invite your Finance/Tax contact to an onboarding workflow describing the process and requesting to opt in or out of our filing service.
  • In early December, we request your freelancers to review and/or update the Tax Information in their Worksuite profile.
  • In January, we aggregate the filing data and prepare a preview file for your review and approval.
  • No later than January 31, we generate the final data set and complete the filings to the IRS in bulk.
  • Through April 15 (and likely beyond), we support you and your freelancers with any corrected filings that may be required.

Important deadlines (details in subsequent questions below):

  • November 15, 2024: Opt in or out of 1099 filing
  • December 27, 2024: All payments, processed by or outside of Worksuite, are represented by Worksuite invoices
  • January 10, 2025: Approve preview file
  • January 31, 2025: All 1099s are submitted to IRS

Do freelancers need to complete the Tax Information form even if they've filled out a W-9?

Yes! We source the filing information from data fields in their Tax Information rather than parsing PDF documents.

Note that the 2024 filing season benefits greatly from significant enhancements we made to Tax Information in 2023:

  • Tax Information is required for invoices to be paid out
  • Form W-9 is auto-generated from Worksuite's Tax Information form

What are the 1099 filing fees?

For tax year 2024, each initial 1099 filing is $10.00 USD.

While we work with you and your freelancers to collect a complete and accurate set of filing data, some corrections are inevitable, at the cost of $20.00 USD per filing.

Which 1099 form do you file?

We file Form 1099-NEC for all freelancers.

Whose information goes on the 1099 as the Payer?

During the opt-in workflow, you will have a chance to either review or add your company's Tax Information as you will be the Payer on the 1099.

[An exception would be if you are leveraging our AOR Services. For more info on this, see here and/or reach out to [email protected]]

Which payments get reported on 1099s?

We file for the following payments:

  • Earned by freelancers who file taxes in the United States (note that the freelancer may reside abroad)

  • Invoices are in the Processing status by the final pay run of the year, December 28, 2024

  • The sum of the freelancers’ compensation is $600 USD or more

At this time, we do not exclude 1099 filings based on the Federal Tax Classification indicated in the freelancer's Tax Information. Our 1099-NEC issuance for payments to a C- or S-Corp can serve as a reference for compensation and may be disregarded for IRS purposes.

External Payments: Can you file 1099s for payments we made outside of Worksuite?

Yes - with your assistance. As long as your payments are represented by invoices in Worksuite, we will be able to include them in your 1099 filings (even if you did not process the payments via Worksuite’s Global Pay). 

If you joined Worksuite mid-year and would like all of your historical payments to be represented in your 1099 filings, or if you have made one-off payments outside of the Worksuite platform throughout the year, you will need to use the bulk upload feature in your Payments module in order for those payments to be included in our 1099 filing service.

❗Please Note: The deadline to create invoices representing payments made outside of Worksuite and mark them as Paid is no later than Friday, December 27, 2024. In order to ensure timely 1099 filings, we will not be able to accommodate any late exceptions.

Please review the instructions below for a step-by-step guide to adding external payments into Worksuite.

Step 1: Upload Your Payments

To file for payments made externally, please upload your historical payments via bulk upload so they are represented by a Worksuite invoice and included in our filings.

You may do this by using the “Bulk Add” feature in your Invoices module:

  • Click “Bulk Add” button at top right:

  • Input data manually, or click “Upload File”:

  • Click “Submit”, and your new invoices will populate in your Invoice module!

ℹ️ Please note: If freelancers with external payments do not yet have a profile in Worksuite, you will need to create them (also available via bulk upload!) and invite them to submit their Tax Information.

Step 2: Mark invoices as “Paid”

By default, the status of the invoices is either New or Approved as selected during bulk upload. In order to be included in filings, they must then be marked as Paid.

  • You will then need to manually update the status of these invoices to “paid” by selecting them, and clicking “Mark as paid”:

For more detailed information on bulk-uploading payments into Worksuite, please click here.

❗Reminder: The deadline to create invoices representing payments made outside of Worksuite and mark them as Paid is no later than Friday, December 27, 2024. In order to ensure timely 1099 filings, we will not be able to accommodate any late exceptions.

Can I exclude expense reimbursements from the 1099 filings?

As long as you have made use of the Line Items feature in Worksuite invoices and Expense line items have been accurately categorized throughout the tax year, we can enable an optional feature in your environment to exclude these expenses from our 1099 filing.

Please see more detailed information here.

Do you still file 1099s for freelancers we are no longer working with?

If you have archived a freelancer profile, this will not prevent Worksuite from filing their 1099 if they meet the criteria above.

Note that they will be unable to access Worksuite to review/update their Tax Information. They may reach out to us to report an access issue, in which case we will redirect them to you for guidance.

You may temporarily unarchive their profile so they may review their data, or you may choose to review and confirm the data with them on their behalf.

When are 1099s filed?

No later than the IRS filing deadline of January 31 of each year for the previous tax year.

How do you submit 1099s to the IRS?

We leverage a third-party partner. We bulk upload filing data, and they create and submit the forms.

How do freelancers receive their 1099 copies?

In accordance with IRS requirements, we solicit consent for electronic form delivery from each freelancer and offer paper copies for those who decline or do not respond.

As soon as the freelancer's 1099 filing is accepted by the IRS, they will receive an automated email from Worksuite inviting them to log into their Worksuite profile and provide or decline their consent for electronic access to their 1099 copy via download.

✨ Yes! New for the 2024 tax year: filed Form 1099 copies are accessed and stored in Worksuite ✨

We have shared detailed instructions with freelancers here.

We also share all filed copies with you via the onboarding workflow for your records ⤵️

Do we receive a copy of the filed 1099s?

After filings are completed, we will upload to Worksuite TaxOps a Form 1096 Summary and a bulk PDF of all filed copies. Please anticipate this to occur no later than the first week of February as the download may be queued for availability.

Once received, please download and distribute copies internally for easy access. We support your freelancers with copies not received, and they may also reach out to you for support.

We have confirmed that the compensation amount on a 1099 filing must be updated. How do we request this on behalf of the freelancer?

Please contact our Help Desk using the Support button on any page of Worksuite, or with "New Support Ticket" at the top of this page.

In your request, please identify the email address associated with the freelancer's Worksuite profile, the compensation amount as filed, and the updated compensation amount to be submitted in a corrected filing.

Please also provide context, as it will help us understand why the compensation we reported does not match the invoices in Worksuite.

Why have we been notified about 1099 filing(s) being Accepted with Errors?

The IRS flags discrepancies between information filed on a 1099 and tax filing information on record.

A 1099 with the status “Accepted with Errors” could indicate:

  • A mismatch between the freelancer’s TIN and the name on file with the IRS
  • TIN type mismatches (e.g., using an SSN instead of an EIN)

The IRS may send you a CP2100 or CP2100A notice if the Payee information is not corrected.

We have notified the freelancer(s) and encouraged them to correct their Tax Information in Worksuite. You may wish to confirm that they do so.

How can we get more help with 1099s?

Please email the Worksuite team at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to assist you.

(Freelancers may reach us via the Support button on any page of Worksuite or by submitting a support request from our Help Center.)