To prevent your funds from being sent where they cannot be successfully delivered, Worksuite disables the ability to Schedule an invoice for a freelancer whose bank details are incomplete or invalid. (Related article: Invoice Scheduling & Payment Status)

What if a previous payment is rejected and the bank details are invalidated after you have already Scheduled the next invoice?

Our system performs a health check on Scheduled invoices, nightly and at the start of each pay run, to make sure the freelancer’s bank details remain payable.

When bank details become invalid:

  • We notify the freelancer to please submit updated bank details in their Worksuite profile

  • We notify you that an invoice you intended to be processed is flagged and on hold until we receive those updated bank details

If the bank details are resolved prior to the start of the pay run for which the invoice is Scheduled, no further action is required.

If the bank details are resolved after the start of the pay run for which the invoice was Scheduled, we notify you that you may re-Schedule the invoice for a new pay run.

Who receives the email notification?

  1. Payment Approver, if this optional feature is enabled in your Worksuite environment


  1. Task Manager associated with the invoice, if any, and/or

  2. Relationship Manager for the freelancer, if any

Is a new notification sent each time the invoice fails the health check?

No, we send one notification per Scheduled invoice that cannot be processed unless and until we receive new bank details.

What do I need to do when I receive the notification?

No action is required unless you receive a second notification indicating that the invoice needs to be re-Scheduled for a new pay run as the original has already passed.


Questions? Please reach out to Payment Operations via our group email alias or our shared Slack channel, and we’ll be happy to assist.

Your freelancers may always reach our Help Desk via the Support button on any page of Worksuite or by submitting a support request from the top of any page in this Help Center.