Tasks & projects are how work is assigned to talent like you! Read below to understand how this feature works to make understanding your assignment, submitting work and getting paid simple and intuitive!
Once your client has a role that matches your skills and services, they will reach out to you via email notification with the details. You will have an opportunity to review the details, accept the role immediately or ask questions for clarification.
A task assignment may be related to an opportunity you expressed interest in, or it can be assigned directly by your client.
Introduction to tasks & projects
When you are invited to a task, you will receive an email notification sent by the Worksuite system. Be sure to add Worksuite as a contact to ensure these important emails do not go to spam.
If you have a question regarding the details of your task or payment, be sure to reach out to your client directly using the Messages tab in your task.
Responding to task invitations
Clicking through the task invitation email will bring you to your dashboard. Here, you can review the basic task details:
Clicking the task title will provide more information about task details, files and required agreements, give you an opportunity to message your client and either accept or reject the task.
Timesheets may be used by your client to ensure accurate payment when you are working on an hourly pay project. You will be able to add your hours per day - don't forget to submit your hours at the end of the week. This will prompt your client to review the submission and process your payment.
Milestones & deliverables
Milestones and deliverables may be used by your client to manage product delivery and review progress. Each deliverable can also be associated with a percentage of the total fee payout. If you have any questions about the milestone details in your task, be sure to reach out directly to your client in the messages tab of the task.
Messaging in a task
All messaging regarding a specific task should be held in the Messages tab of your task. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page, and there is no confusion on what the message pertains to.
Once you type your message and hit the return/enter key to send it, the task manager will receive an email notification. Once they respond, you will receive an email letting you know of a new message.
Invoices & payments in tasks

Depending on your agreement with your client, processing the payment for your work may begin a few different ways. Be sure to understand the desired process by your client prior to beginning your task. If you have any questions, use the task messaging feature to communicate directly with them. Below are the options your client may choose.
Uploading an invoice
You can upload an invoice directly to your task by clicking the Add a new payment button in the main task details page. Your client will then review the invoice for approval and schedule it for payment. You should review when the payment is scheduled to be processed in order to understand when you will receive it.
Submit a timesheet
When you submit a timesheet and your client reviews it, they have the option to automatically generate a payment upon approval of the timesheet. You should review when the payment is scheduled to be processed in order to understand when you will receive it.
Upon submission of a milestone
When your client reviews your completed milestone, they will have the option to automatically generate a payment upon approval. You should review when the payment is scheduled to be processed in order to understand when you will receive it.
Upon completion of a task
After you mark a task as complete, your client will review it and complete the task on their end. When they do this, they will have the option to automatically generate a payment upon approval. You should review when the payment is scheduled to be processed in order to understand when you will receive it.