Talent profiles allow you to get a quick overview of your talent and to dive in deeper to gather more information on each individual.
Introduction to talent profiles
Talent profiles contain information regarding all of each talent's activities within the Worksuite platform - from contact information and services through reviews, projects, and payments. The main talent directory page gives you a quick overview of each talent in a tile view. Clicking into a profile will provide you with much more detail for each talent.
Pro-Tip: click on the column header to sort by that column.
Talent categories
Your talent is found in two locations:
- Talent Directory - this is where vetted talent can be found, searched, and filtered
- Marketplace - this is where you can find candidates that have responded to publicly posted opportunities but have not been invited to your approved list of talent. Talent in this location can also be searched and filtered.
Talent cards view
Talent Cards contain a wealth of information in an easy glance view.
- Talent type - this talent is a Freelancer, as indicated in the upper right corner
- Smart status - the talent has fully onboarded, as indicated by the green checkmark beside her avatar.
- Availability - at the bottom of the tile, the green icon indicates the talent is available and the date it was last updated.
- Location - the talent is located in the United States
- Average review rating & general rank - the average of 5 stars are listed below the avatar. The rank is indicated by the medal icon in the upper left corner
- Groups they are a part of - this talent is organized into the Photographers and Videographers groups
To learn more about SMS capabilities, contact your account manager or [email protected] today!
Talent table view
The talent table view can provide the same details as the card view in a horizontal and scrollable manner, giving users the ability to quickly view a large amount of detail from the Index page. Fields can be added or removed depending on the relevance to the user's search and amount of detail needed.
Talent Type
Talents are organized into different types within the Worksuite platform. For example, freelancers, businesses, etc. You have the option to customize these terms to fit your particular needs.
Smart Status
Status indicates where the talent is in the invitation and onboarding process.
- Not invited - a grey button symbol will indicate this
- Invitation pending - if the talent has been invited but has not yet registered, this will be indicated by a yellow clock symbol.
- Not onboarded - the talent has not yet begun the required onboarding workflows.
- Onboarding underway - the talent has not yet completed all onboarding workflows assigned to them. This could be because they have not completed the initial onboarding or because a previously assigned workflow has been updated to require more information.
- Fully Onboarded - the profile status updates to 'Fully Onboarded' in the below situations.
- If there are no required onboarding workflows and the freelancer registers, the status will update to fully onboarded.
- If there is one or multiple required workflows and the freelancer is in the 'Finishes' stage of the workflows and has completed the onboarding, then the status updates to 'Fully onboarded'..'
- If a required workflow is updated to optional, then the freelancers who were having status as 'Onboarding underway' because of that workflow for them, the status will set to 'Fully onboarded'..'
The profile status of the freelancers can change from time to time based on the progress in the onboarding workflow or the updates made to the properties(optional/required) of the workflow.
Talent Profiles
Clicking into a talent profile gives you an in-depth view of the talent's history within the Worksuite platform.
The top row of tabs provides access to additional information:
- Messages - this is where you will find all conversations between your team and the talent. Once your team sends a message, the talent will receive an email notification with a link to the page. When they respond, you will also receive an email notification.
- Job Openings - Click here to review job openings the talent has been invited to
- Requests - this tab holds information regarding RFI's and RFP's the talent has responded to
- Tasks & Projects - this is where you will find all the projects and tasks the talent has been assigned.
- Payments - look here to find information regarding invoices and payment status.
- Documents - agreements and tax forms the talent has been asked to complete/sign, and requested documents can be found here.
- More Info - if you've asked your talent to complete banking and tax information for payments, that information can be found here (based on user permissions to view), as well as onboarding workflows they've been assigned.
You can use Worksuite to request and monitor your talent's availability, either via email notification or SMS messaging if enabled. Once updated, you will be able to filter by those who are available, not available, or available soon. You will always be able to see the last date updated to make sure availability is current.
To learn more about SMS capabilities, contact your account manager or [email protected] today!
In addition, requesting an availability update can be done with the click of a button - one talent at a time or in bulk.
And if you need to update your talent's availability on their behalf, you can always do so from their profile:

You will quickly see a sample of your talent's portfolio and click on an image or video to see more content!
More Profile Information
Scrolling down your screen will share more information about the talent, as well as certain actions you can take.
- Custom fields, skills, and rates - this is information your talent has been asked to provide during their onboarding process.
- Groups - a list of the groups the talent belongs to is located at the bottom of their profile.
- Relationship managers - these individuals manage the relationship between the talent and your organization. They also receive certain notifications about the talent.
- Worked with - this is a list of who in your organization the talent has worked with. If that's you, please add yourself!
Depending on your permission level, you can take several actions about the talent and their profile. A few examples include:
- Sending them a message
- Adding them to opportunities
- Rating & reviewing their performance
- Editing the profile
- Updating the workflows assigned to them
Restricted visibility
There are features in Worksuite that you can utilize for only you and your team members to see. Your talent will not be able to view any of the information listed below.
Groups are created to help you organize your external talent. Groups are visible for internal team members to categorize external talents based on the team's needs.
Internal Notes
Internal notes are used to leave information regarding your external talent. Any information you would like your internal team members to be aware of can be left as a note, either on the talent profile or in workflows & projects.
Tags are used as an additional way to categorize your external talent.
Past work & reviews
Worked with
Internal members can add themselves to a talent's profile once they have worked with a certain talent. This will help you, the rest of the team be aware and ask for feedback.
Private Feedback
Reviews and ratings help you and your team evaluate what type of performance to expect from your external talent.
Relationship management & information
Relationship Managers
You can decide who receives notifications from each external talent activity. When you assign a relationship manager to a certain talent, all activities done by the talent will be received by the relationship manager as an email notification.
Custom Fields
Some fields could have been added to your account during implementation that is only visible for internal team members. Feel free to chat with us using our chat widget or email [email protected] if you want these fields verified.
Note: Admins and Regular Users have different levels of visibility. Please refer to this article for user permissions.
Archiving Talent
If there is inactive talent in your directory, you can Archive them. This removes them from your active directory but maintains their record in your system for future reference. To archive, a talent, select this option from the Actions menu in their profile. You can also archive talent in bulk by selecting the desired talent and using your Bulk actions options.
Before archiving the talent, be sure to note the following:
- When a talent is archived, users can't add them to a task/request/job opening until they are restored to the active talent status.
- Archived talent will not come up in any searches within the application (dropdowns, lists, search, etc.)
- They will be hidden from any groups (including shared groups), Marketplace, and Talent Directory.
- They will not receive any email notifications/reminders.
- The archived talent's profile will be marked with 'ARCHIVED' status and will have the option to RESTORE them.
- Users can access archived talent through the Archived Partners section, which will contain all archived talent. This section is available from the menu when we click on the initials or picture icon on the bottom left corner
- After restoring a talent from being archived, they will be placed in the same groups they were before. If they were registered before, they should automatically regain access to their accounts.
- You can search by Archived talent's name within the directory
Archived Talent Directory
Archiving a Talent from a Profile
Learn more